What Does SAS Do and Why?

SAS, Suffragettes Against Silence is an educational, motivational and activist organization.  We Fight for Women and Girls freedoms, for their rights and protections.   We listen closely to ex-muslim women, from Saudi, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Syria, who have lived under oppressive and abusive sharia law, and warn women of the dangers of sharia law.  We also pay close attention to abuse to children and rape cases to ensure justice under the law for the voiceless and the vulnerable.

We hand out “Power Pins” to the Public and pin and empower women, and educate women and girls on political agendas seeking to undermine their equality under the law.

We inform women that since the world is becoming more global and with more islamic immigration that world politics and other cultures effect our values and way of life.  And we must respond to any opposing any foreign cultural norms that undermine women’s status and equitable status.  We have a hand out which provides basic information on Sharia Law and it’s impact upon women. We Rally at events and occassions raising awareness on issues that affect our society, especially women and children.

Our Colours, Green “Freedom”, Purple “for Justice”, and “White for Innocence and Truth”. Simple and inexpensive to make.  Supplies can be found at dollar or material store.  3 ribbons white, green, purple, stapler, and safety pin, heart sticker optional, cut on diagonal, fan out, staple and pin a new Suffragette.

Herald colours and symbols

Make Suffragette Power Pins for Pennies! Buy Purple, Green, and White Ribbon, let them roll out and place them on top of each other and cut 1 1/2 to 2 inch segments.  Watch this video for further instruction.


One of our slogans, These Colours don’t Run, They Rally!

Rally Song, Tune can be found above in the “Make Power Pins” video and on our Suffragettesistersagainstsilence youtube channel.


What is Sharia? Handout


What SAS Canada Wants:

We are against the violence, oppression, slavery and inequality of women and/or girls in Canada and around the world.  We strongly condemn groups or individuals who promote, commit, or support directly or indirectly any of these traits against women, whether they be elected officials, clergy, groups, or individuals.

We strongly condemn pedophilia, child marriage and all child abuse.

We recognize that women and girls throughout history have been targeted for hate, subjugated, exploited and abused and are aware that this continues in Canada and around the world today.  We are working to change this for future generations and for the benefit of mankind.

We view men as our equals and recognize that strong men make good husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.  Suffragettes are not anti-men in any way and welcome men as Suffragent members.

We are multicultural and opposed to all racism and condemn groups that promote the hate or inequality against any race or suggest that specific races are “defective”.

We note that in Canada today hate is being promoted against women and girls and our government is doing nothing as of yet to resolve this dangerous and demoralizing attack.  We stand united against this onslaught of hate and evil and take action against it.


Shut down hate speech of specific Imams in Canada who promote the violence and oppression of women/girls and penalize and/or deport those who continue to promote hate.

See that the Toronto Police Muselah Khan, Imam is terminated from the Toronto Police.

Deport all migrants who are convicted of any violent crime, rape or sexual assault from Canada permanently.

No more Canadian money to countries that subjugate women or practice sharia law

Transparency of prayers and sermons in schools and Mosques.  School prayers must be in English or French so that content can be easily and fully understood.  Prayers and sermons must be recorded in all public buildings and scrutinized for hate speech. But Ideally NO Religion in Schools.

Cameras in prayer rooms and all classrooms and administrator’s offices.  All school investigations regarding the assault of minor children must be recorded for the police and parents.

We want equity programs in schools and all public buildings to model equality between the sexes.

Stop racism and groups that attack any race or suggest that a specific race is defective.  This is hate speech and should not be tolerated in Canada.  However, all groups, religions, parties, and ideas are open to scrutiny and discussion.

Declare that Christian genocide is occurring in the Middle East and devise a plan to stop it.

Bring women into m-103 and remove any specific religion so that all religions are considered equally, and devise a plan to end the bigotry, hate and violence against all women.

Defund and or boycott all media that fails to report what is occurring in Europe and the West with regards to rapes and sexual assaults.  SAS condemns all dishonest and biased media.

Target all fake “feminists” and call them femi-nots – Trudeau, Iqra, Mansefs, etc.